Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 10
Observation: This is a real life race of goblins! Or trolls. I can’t remember which.
This race not the terror that fairy tales and fantasy movies make it out to be. They are quite generous and forgiving to anyone who does not offend their race. They can be trusted with the most coveted of secrets, but their methods of keeping a secret secretive is often extreme. However, any information or personal items kept in their trust are immediately released to anyone who inquires about them should they become offended by the owner. In other words, if you told them something you don’t want anyone in the universe to find out about, you better be nice to them in return.
Those who do not have secrets that need to be kept often find a strong economic alliance with this race. Their home planet has long since run out of resources, and this race uses the empty mines as safes for personal possessions, which have recently included caches of cash. They, as a race, do not have a need for things like gold or money for reasons not explained. However, they are excellent at managing money and making sure items stay secure. It is suspected that this race possibly has several potentially illegal items under their protection.
The race favors those that give them gifts. Not surprisingly, gifts of food are seen as the most valuable. Those that give large bounties of food are often respected and honored more, but there is room for flexibility depending on the type of food offered as well.
They take social offences on an individual basis. It is very difficult to offend the entire race as a whole. However, word of one being offended does spread rather quickly. This results in those who where not offended by the action to become distrusting of the individual who committed the offence. At this point, no gift will win they forgiveness.
~Zeek Slider