Danger Level: 14
Social Ability: 8
Observation:This bright red creature has a very unique way of hunting prey. It will look for a clear area and then create a fireworks display using special chemicals that are mixed and fired from the tubes on its back. These highly-combustible mixtures are produced from natural enzymes and waste product. The color and intensity depends on the mixture ratio.
These displays attract the attention of its prey, which will often draw closer to the creature in order to watch its show. It will then bide its time while continuing the performance. When its prey is completely distracted by the display, it will attack the closest one with its lightning quick jaws.
Their mating displays are probably the most elaborate displays they produce, but it isn’t the fireworks that attract members of the opposite sex. The creature’s back is blacken from misfiring. The less black on a creature’s back, the more attractive that creature is.
Offspring are not capable of producing the chemicals needed to perform in the same way as their parents for several years. During most of their juvenile life, this creature will follow either the mother or the father away from the nest during hunts to learn how to launch its waste into the air. The parent then uses its own chemical mixture to intercept and explode it in a unique display. Children tend to chase off prey, as they are very excitable during these hunts and jump the gun as to when to strike.
It is noted that these creatures are nocturnal, and the prey they hunt are creatures who are about to return to their nests and dens to sleep.
~Zeek Slider