Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 11
Observation: A grey bipedal duck with a rainy-day skin pattern and only one feather located on its rear. It is a very depressing creature due to its posture and sigh-like quack. Its head is always facing downward unless it is walking or communicating with another creature. Somewhat slow moving, it will only eat dying leaves and plants. When found along the coast, it will eat kelp that has been washed on shore.

The most interesting information on this creature are some of the cultural myths that were discovered by the observer. Several tribal cultures on its home planet consider this creature a sign of bad luck and try to avoid it. They also believe that killing the creature will only increase the severity of the bad luck to come. Many warrior tribes have called off declarations of war if one has been scene close to their village, believing that it is a sign that their army will lose the battle if they go into battle. Tribes that have mastered farming will quickly try to scare off this creature if spotted near crop fields out of fear that their very presence will produce a bad harvest. Water gathers will avoid any spring or body of water where this creature drinks, bathes, or is seen eating kelp. There is even a children’s tale told by one tribe saying if a child wanders into forbidden areas and sees the creature, they will never find their way home!
My personal favorite myth that I’ve read in this creature’s file so far? There’s a small tribe that believes hearing its sighing quack will cause the listener to become depressed for the rest of their life. The only way to counter it is to whistle a happy song if you suspect one may be in the area.
~Zeek Slider