Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 9
Observation:This alien race can be best described as a small rodent with four arms, two of which were formed from two out of three of its tails. It has the ability to build advance and innovative forms of technology through reverse engineering procedures. Its fascination with technology makes this race easy to win over; all one has to do is present the leader with a piece of technology. The more advance the technology, the more impressed the race will be.
The hands on the ends of their tails evolved as a result of wanting to produce more complicated machinery. This races uses the extra yet primitive hands with great care and dexterity. Extremely skilled members will often use the long tails to grab tools and materials that are on high shelves or across tables without moving from their work bench.
Socially, this race is very hard to understand. They will use a lot of technical terminology that is exclusively known to like-minded races and cultures. They have no concept of religion, and the idea of mating and reproduction is seen as a necessary process rather than a celebration of life. What few feelings they do have are limited to those experienced during times of success, failure, and frustration. If a project takes longer than what was originally foreseen, impatience is often exhibited.
It appears that this race has a strong economic presence in the universe. They specialize in large vehicle construction of all kinds. They know the value of proprietary innovations and will not sell any upgrade or improvements to any of the models they make until something better comes along. This means that no matter what, this race is always one-step ahead of the rest in the technology race.
~Zeek Slider