Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 12
Observation: Another file filled with religious text describing this creature. It is described as a five-legged beast of the forest that one can hear approaching due to the rattling sound of the bone plates found on its back. To hear it while lost in the forest is a sign that you’ve wondered into the very heart of the area with little hope of returning to civilization.
Another myth about this creature is that it is a holy creature with life-giving powers. If it is seen by a farmer before the next season, they will have a bountiful harvest. If spotted by a mother about to give birth, the child will be healthy and the mother will survive the birthing process. The most profound myth of this nature involves the belief that seeing one in a dream while on your death bed means you’ll be granted access to paradise.
These myths were spawned out of how rare the creature actually is in the world.
~Zeek Slider