Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 11
Observation: The file reports that this griffin-like creature is supposedly made out of pure gold and silver with a beak and skeleton made out of bronze. There are no drawings or documentations or even those weird chemical formulas I’ve seen in files in the past included with this statement. If it is true, only the original observer knows.
Its diet is mineral rock and small rodents. The minerals may be used to produced this claim of a gold and silver skin, but several animals on our planet often chew on rocks to help their digestion from what I remember.
The anatomy of this creature is really interesting. It has three pairs of wings which provide a large area to produce flight. If the claim that its bones are made out of bronze is true, then there is no way that it would be able to produce the amount of lift needed with those wings in order to maintain anything other than a glide. They could be for show or part of a mating ritual that hasn’t been documented.
I spent the better half of my afternoon yesterday trying to find more factual information on this creature, but ultimately couldn’t find anything.
~Zeek Slider