
Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: High
Culture: Industrious, Economic
Galactic Class: Diplomat
Information: A neurotic race that is easily upset by even a slight hair being out of place on their fur coat. They are not familiar with the concept of relaxing. To them, relaxing is a form of laziness. Efficiency and order are held in high regard compared to everything else. This is extended to the design of their cities, which are built along sharp edges at perfect 90o angles. Some would believe that this obsession for order is extended to their very physical being, since no member of this race weighs over 150lbs.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Low
Information: Legend has it that this creature only appears in war-torn areas where innocence was lost to violence and hate. It is believed to be the embodiment of the pain and grief of the people whose culture was stolen by them. Those foolish enough to wander into these areas are the ones that often tell stories of this creature looking for food only to turn its bloodlust onto the unfortunate wonderer. Very few escape with their lives.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low (Pack x4 - x6)
Social Ability: Medium
Information: The behavior of this herbivore is very puzzling. It will attack smaller animals, sometimes killing the target, for no reason at all. It is hypothesized that they do this just out for entertainment. The same cannot be said for larger animals that attack this creature, which causes a flight reaction rather than one of fight.

Among its own kind, it is a very social animal and will often adopt orphans that have lost their way. This results in some large size families where their numbers are plentiful. But as any of Earth’s biologists can tell you, large numbers just means more to pick from for predators who hunt these creatures.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: Medium (Predator, Pack x4)
Social Ability: Low
Information: A large carnivorous insect whose forelimbs are sharp enough to cut down a fully grown tree in a single cut. It uses these fallen trees as a nest for its eggs. The maggots sharpen their jaws by chewing their way out of the tree. However, they ingest so much fiber that their dietary system ends up being continuously flushed until their adult stage. At this point, in order to avoid starvation and dehydration, the first thing an adult has to do is kill another animal and eat it whole.

Thankfully, their kills are not that far away. During their development stages, the parents will herd and corral small animals near the fallen tree by tricking them into believing their prey will be safe if they are near the tree. Once the young breaks out of the tree, the trap is fully realized.

~Zeek Slider


Toon Floone

Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: High
Social Ability: Medium
Information: This odd creature has a very unusual ability to access an alternate dimension our scientists have labeled as Hammer Space. It’s that place where you can store any inanimate object of any size for any occasion you need. Very few sentient creatures have access to this space, but it is even rarer to for a wild animal to have access to it.

This creatures uses said access to Hammer Space as a defense mechanism. If threaten, it will summon an anvil to drop on the threat’s head. Hence the high danger rating.

The Floone race as a whole is an interesting galactic phenomenon. There seems to be a large variety of them. Most of them have been discovered by an independent astro-biologist calling herself Ceece. Her records can be found here. This is the only Floone we've found on record to date.

~Zeek Slider



Vehicle Type: Space
Information: This ship is armed very heavily, but is designed for defensive purposes. The thing is, nobody really believes this due to the fact that this ship is often used by pirates. So, as a result, the guns are used more offensively than they are defensively. There is no way to tell the difference between the pirates and the non-pirate ships, so any innocent party that just so happens to be flying this ship is often (unfortunately) shot at first before being asked questions.

~Zeek Slider

Hover Roller

Vehicle Type: Space
Information: Essentially, it’s a car that can travel space. It’s advertised as the vehicle for those who want to show off their wealth. Most flamboyant personalities jump at the chance to buy one of these if only for show. Very few actually fly these in space.

~Zeek Slider


Blasta Bard

Vehicle Type: Land
Class: R
Armor: 50%
Threat Level: 30%
Speed: 20%
Information: A remote controlled robot that is essentially built out of speakers. It’s body is a giant subwoofer that somehow remains balanced no matter how intense the volume. The horns are where the bulk of the sound waves are emitted. The face is a visualizer monitor that will play an equalizer display of the user’s choice.

However, as appealing as this robot is, it is actually used in cultural warfare. The sound waves can be so concentrated that it can shatter buildings. Military-grade versions of this machine don’t play songs but tones. The various frequency used determines the overall amount of physical damage. In general terms, the higher the frequency, the more it will damage sentient creatures.

~Zeek Slider


Vehicle Type: Space
Information: This unusual space vehicle is constructed out of dense, fire-proof fabric with a steel capsule held underneath. The fabric is filled with lighter-than-air gases that help it maintain its orbit around the planet. While it is theorized to be capable of deep space travel, no such attempt has been made due to the design of this craft.

The cockpit is located not in the capsule but in the ballooning canvas. Here, the pilot has direct control on the rotation of the rocket as well as its relative angle to the planet. The capsule is in fact a camera capable of holding either five Earth days worth of video or close to a million high resolution photographs.

That’s right. This is a spy ship. We’ve been keeping an eye on this one for a while and hope they don’t make a model capable of deep space travel. For our own protection, of course.

~Zeek Slider


Money Grabber

Vehicle Type: Air
Class: E
Armor: 12%
Threat Level: 59%
Speed: 29%
Information: Boasting a 180o field of vision in the cockpit, this package deliver air craft is actually very slow moving in the air. While the laws of aerodynamic seem to have an effect on its design to the point where it causes a huge amount of drag, it actually may have something to do with the density of the atmosphere in which this craft flies in.

Files suggest that this craft has to deal with a very thick atmosphere, and traveling through such an environment could be difficult for it. It also has to deal with large volumes of dense cloud cover that could result in aerial disorientation. Hence the liberal use of bright lights in its design.

~Zeek Slider

Whale of Win

Vehicle Type: Sea
Class: E
Armor: 24%
Threat Level: 53%
Speed: 23%
Information: Hey guys! Guess what I saw while wandering like the space wanderer that I am? An empire’s game show!!

The game show is called The Whale of Win. It’s a kind of reality show where if you spot the ship at any port town and approach it, you could win your mass in money. The thing is, when word gets out that they are filming the game show, the ship gets out of the location before it becomes a mob fest. And from what I understand, it has in the past.

But I did finally see a filming of this show after picking up signals from its early air broadcasts. And, wow, I had no idea just how old the show is and how much it has evolved. The boat has changed from a very cartoon-looking whale to one that is more contemporary to the culture’s aesthetic taste. The awards they give out got more and more extravagant. They even started a new bonus round where you spin a wheel that could multiply your winnings if you hit a certain minimum.

Unfortunately, I didn’t make it on the show. But, hey, it was fun to watch.

Nature House

Structure Type: Government
Information: The city has been kind of busy this past weekend and will continue to be busy after today. As a result, we had to close the office down to keep things safe and inconspicuous. Too many people, you know? Al and the other interplanetary employees have been sent to a secure location for the meantime.

Paul was able to get the Work@Home network to work for a while in order for me to continue to publish data while away from the office.

This structure is often found on planets that have no synthetic material. It is constructed out of dying trees and other raw materials found in nature. The interior is baked clay and mud insulated with fat from wild animals. The windows and other small openings are strategically placed to allow maximum air flow. Spread throughout the building are little patches of grass and wild flowers that are encouraged to grow by the building’s caretakers. They are trimmed if they begin to interfere with the doors and windows. Older buildings built in this fashion are often overgrown with flora and will support a rich life cycle.

~Zeek Slider


Regal Shopping Center

Structure Type: Commercial
Information: Though the motto is that the customer is to be treated like royalty, very few of the employees treat each customer as such. This is mostly due to the saying of how the customer is always right even when they are wrong. The most vocal of customers will often demand impossible products or complain about how tasks were not completed in a timely manner. While the employees do apologize for not being able to meet the customer’s unreasonably high level of expectation, they often complain the loudest when out of the hearing range of the customer. This place also has the highest turn-over rate of employees due to the attitude of the customers.

~Zeek Slider

Dream House

Structure Type: Residential
Information: This single-room house is designed with the basic needs within a comfortable distance from each other for a single occupant. It has jokingly called the most comfortable bathroom designed due to the lack of walls around the toilet and tub, but those elements are thankfully placed far away from the kitchen and dining area.

This house is commonly seen in rural areas with a low population count.

~Zeek Slider

Pressure Pump

Structure Type: Industrial
Information: Built to pressurize any form of liquid or gas into containers of various sizes. They boast a 1,000:1 volume-to-size ratio with products ranging from a hand-held oxygen tank that never needs refilling for up to 10 years to more commercial needs like flammable gas-fill tanks for steel welders capable of constructing 5 skyscrapers well over 100 floors tall.

The entire production floor is automated in order to eliminate (or at least minimize) potential accidents. The entire factory can be run by a single individual.

~Zeek Slider

Light Tower

Structure Type: Government
Information: A space-needle structure with a single window and a secret entrance. It is where the lone monarch of the planet will sit and perform all their governmental duties. In the past, if the single window was lit with a red light, that meant a state of war and unrest for the country. In recent history (or as recent as our records indicate), the red light now means the governing leader is having sexual relations.

~Zeek Slider

Fortune Chariot

Vehicle Type: Land
Class: E
Armor: 33%
Threat Level: 47%
Speed: 20%
Information: This armored chariot truck is able to store and safely transport any form of economic goods to any location. It has a history of moving both legal and illegal substances. However, knowing which truck is transporting illegal materials is kept tightly secretive. Generally, the more money paid to transport something, the more secret it becomes.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: High
Culture: Friendly, Religious
Galactic Class: Shaman

Information: An extremely peaceful race whose small empire many leave alone. This is because of the number of allies it has produced. Occasionally, this race will uplift a random specie of wild animals into a sentient race capable of space travel. The result is a multitude of alliances spanning the quadrant of space they live in.

Unfortunately, their allies have problems getting along with other uplifted races. The Ami refuse to get involve in violent matters, and will often watch the unfortunate battle take place. While they end up losing allies this way, they seem to maintain their integrity and dignity as a peaceful race.

Within their own empire, the culture is rather organized in their religious practices. What little leisure time they have to themselves is often spent running chores such as restocking their supply of food or doing the wash. Their government powers are elected based on their faith, so as a political power, they collectively are represented by the most peaceful and level-headed member of the race. Economically, they are rather poor, but have often received aid from their allies who have not abandoned them entirely as thanks for uplifting their specie.

Nobody is sure how this race uplifts others, but the planets in which this event have occurred are usually marked by some kind of monolith.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore -> Carnivore
Danger Level: Unknown
Social Ability: Unknown

Information: The digital copy of this file is completely irreparable due to the recent incidents at work. The hard copy has been lost as well, which is greatly unfortunate.

The only sure thing about this creature is that it is a very odd one. It started out as an herbivore and then evolved into a carnivore. The reasoning behind this and other behavior have been lost.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Culture: Industrious, Economic
Galactic Class: Trader

Information: This race rules over a small area of space as the only economic power. Its neighboring empires leave this race in peace, not out of fear of being dominated by fire power. It is their economic tactics that causes them to be as friendly as possible. They have reportedly expanded their empire by buying out planets from other empires. What few races have refused end up becoming extinct due to mysterious circumstances.

Some believe that it is due to their selective alliance with military empires. They trade the most often with such Galactic Classes and have been known to call upon one when transporting sensitive goods through hostile territory. If this is true or not is anyone’s guess.

This race seems to hate any space race that is classified as a Zealot. When one presents itself close to the borders of its empire, this race will often fund other neighboring empires to attack the Zealot race with the intent of eliminating them. Very rarely will they actually get involved in such a war.

~Zeek Slider

Bright Eyes

Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: N/A
Information: One of the few microscopic organisms we know something about, this little guy caught our attention due to its unusual eye structure. From all observations recorded, its eyes have the ability to emit an electric shock in order to scare away or even hurt other microbes. It’s unknown if this ability affects larger life forms that drink the water where it lives. Large colonies of these cellular creatures can be found very easily at night as glowing areas in bodies of water.

~Zeek Slider

Kiwi Bot

Vehicle Type: Land
Class: M
Armor: 17%
Threat Level: 42%
Speed: 41%
Information: We’ve digitized and uploaded all of our recent findings to our database, and despite having a short break from all the excitement, I have to get back to work and publish these findings. Naturally, some information will be omitted, but the wealth of new creatures and races we’ve discovered from our mission is just mind-blowing!

However, all that new information will have to wait until after we get done playing catch up. I’m picking up where Ross left off, but chances are Ross will come in and report on something ever now and then.

This walking vehicle is known as the Kiwi Bot. It was designed by a deviant group of artisans that ultimately resorted to piracy to get what they wanted creatively. A single unit won’t put up much of a fight, but their easy construction insures that scenario won’t happen.

A common battle tactic is to use the Kiwi Bot as snipers, especially when the terrain allows for such an opportunity. The fact that they can be modified to hold a cloaking device makes this strategy even more appealing.

~Zeek Slider